@tasklet and @transactional interact funnily
Closed this issue · 5 comments
GoogleCodeExporter commented
Not sure what to do about this, perhaps document it?
(1) @transactional @tasklet is synchronous despite the @tasklet decorator:
def foo(id):
assert ndb.in_transaction()
e = yield Employee.get_by_id_async(id)
raise Return(e)
Despite being decorated with @tasklet, this is a *synchronous* function;
calling foo(id) returns an Employee instance or None, not a Future. This is
because @transactional calls transaction(func), and transaction() is
synchronous; there is special code in Context.transaction() that recognizes
when the callback is a tasklet and then waits for it.
(2) @tasklet @transactional does not run the generator in a transaction:
def foo(id):
assert ndb.in_transaction()
e = yield Employee.get_by_id_async(id)
raise Return(e)
This returns a Future, but when asking for its result, fails the assert! The
reason is that transactional passes the "bare" generator function as the
callback to transaction(), and Context.transaction() *does not* recognize this;
it calls the function which returns a generator object (an iterator) but does
not execute any of the function's body; transaction() doesn't do anything with
that generator but just returns it after executing an empty transaction. The
result of all this gets passed into the tasklet wrapper, which does recognize
the generator and handles it properly, but at this point the transaction is
Suggestion: I think we should just document (1), but maybe we can fix (2) by
recognizing the "bare" generator at some point (maybe inside
Context.transaction()) and do something with it? It would be nice to be able
to declare a transactional tasklet, i.e. something that behaves like a tasklet
(returns a Future) and runs transactionally. Right now if you wanted that
you'd have to cobble it together using transaction() rather than @transactional.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by gvanrossum@gmail.com
on 3 Jul 2012 at 8:49
GoogleCodeExporter commented
It looks like:
def foo(id):
works? This could easily put into a new decoration: @ndb.transactional_tasklet
and @ndb.non_transactional_tasklet .
Original comment by jim@twist.com
on 3 Jan 2013 at 7:36
GoogleCodeExporter commented
fyi, rafe has suggested some pretty slick code in the google group:
Original comment by faction.gregory
on 12 Mar 2013 at 5:42
GoogleCodeExporter commented
rafek's code (slightly tweaked):
def transactional_tasklet(*ctx_args, **ctx_kwargs):
def decorator(m):
m_tasklet = ndb.tasklet(m)
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
def tx():
value = yield m_tasklet(*args, **kwargs)
raise ndb.Return(value)
value = yield ndb.transaction_async(tx, *ctx_args, **ctx_kwargs)
raise ndb.Return(value)
return wrapper
return decorator
def fn():
assert ndb.in_transaction()
yield ndb.sleep(0.2)
raise ndb.Return('hi')
print fn().get_result() # Prints 'hi'
Original comment by arful...@google.com
on 16 Mar 2013 at 5:45
GoogleCodeExporter commented
Took me awhile, but after looking at this thoroughly is seems that the
async-ness of the function being decorated is entirely decoupled from the
async-ness of the transaction itself (and there is no clean way to couple
them). For example it makes sense for a sync function to become async when
wrapped in a transaction, as the transaction itself has multiple points at
which it is blocked by IO.
My solution is to add two wrappers:
@transactional_async - the wrapped function always returns a future
@transactonal_tasklet - helper decorator that is equivalent to
@transactiona_async @tasklet
Original comment by arful...@google.com
on 16 Jul 2013 at 6:16
GoogleCodeExporter commented
Fix will be in 1.8.4
Original comment by arful...@google.com
on 19 Jul 2013 at 10:25
- Changed state: Fixed