Monitors & reposts activities from popular social networks to telegram and /fag/
Best friend for telegram channel owners. Managing your telegram channels and stalking your waifus has never been as fun nor easier than this. It comes with features like:- Save instagram posts and stories leaving no trace
- Save posts from VK pages, publics, status
- Announce when streamer goes online using Twitch WebHooks
- Repost these activities to /fag/ or telegram channel for archive purposes
- more to come
This is a personal project wasn't meant for public use. If you have questions how to configurate or install you should find it yourself There are 3 ways of starting this service up. Classic way, docker-compose or Kubernetes. For docker-compose you just
docker-compose up -d
For Kubernetes you should check /k8s folder for manifests *.yaml files. Ingress proxy and SSL cert configurations are up to you. I personally use nginx-ingress and cert-manager.
- PostgreSQL - object-relational database system provides reliability and data integrity
- RabbitMQ - an open source multi-protocol messaging broker
- AMQP - Go client for AMQP 0.9.1
- GORM - The fantastic ORM library for Golang, aims to be developer friendly
- GoRequest - Simplified HTTP client
- gjson - get json values quickly
Ivan Smyshlyaev @wmw
Blossom-Reposter is MIT License.