
Probably a big ask: linking with C/C++ libraries

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Pinecone does not currently support linking with C/C++ libraries. One example is ncurses, which provides screen manipulation support. If we could use that, we could rewrite snake yet again, adding yet more ⭐gameplay features⭐.

I understand that this is a very complicated feature in an interpreted language (heck, Python hasn't got it fully figured out), but it would be very nice not to have to constantly re-invent the wheel. :)

wmww commented

Since Pinecone transpiles to C++, this is not terribly hard (full explanation here). I plan to do it sooner or later, but I haven't had time to work on Pinecone lately.

I am surprised that it would be so easy.

wmww commented

Simple version done and pushed to master. see bottom of this tutorial for details.