

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I will like to contribute to Pinecode. Even though I am a beginner in creating a language, I can help. Please provide enough documentation to the language internals to make it practical for me to contribute @wmww

wmww commented

As it says in the readme, I am no longer actively maintaining Pinecone. You can, of course, work on it if you please, but I'm afraid writing more documentation is not something I'll be working on at this time. The code is fairly well commented and organized, but after that you're on your own. A good first step is to get the language compiled and run the tests (see the readme in the tests directory). If they all pass (except the 'unfixed' ones) then you can start messing around and know if you break anything.

wmww commented

I never got a proper build system set up. I used Code::Blocks and provided an ultra-simple makefile (which doesn't handle partial compilation if I remember correctly). If you want to use your favorite IDE/editor, you'll have to set up a new project. The good news is there is nothing fancy that needs to be done. Just compile all the .cpp files and no need to link with anything.

wmww commented

Anyway, I wouldn't say I recommend working on Pinecone, as it doesn't appear to have much of a future and I don't have time to help much. If you're curious, however, feel free to wack at it as much as you want. Might learn something, might make something cool. idk.