
基于Siamese网络的人脸识别 2019-3-9

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


基于Siamese网络的人脸识别 2019-3-9


  • 将CAS-PEAL-R1数据集放入datasets文件夹
  • 建立FaceRecognition的类实例
  • 调用prepare方法进行数据处理

CAS-PEAL-R1 数据集目录

+-<CAS-PEAL-R1>			... The root directory of this CDROM.
    +-<Documents>		... The documentation directory. In this directory the pdf version of
    |				    the technical report of CAS-PEAL database and the CAS-PEAL
    |			 	    Database Release Agreement can be found.
    +-<Evaluation Prototype>	... This directory contains the evaluation prototype of the 
    |   |                           CAS-PEAL-R1 database.
    |	|
    |	+-<Gallery>		... This directory contains one text file which records the image names  
    |   |                           in the Galley.
    |	|				    
    |	|
    |	+-<Probe Sets>		... This directory contains seven text files. Each text file records 
    |   |                           the image names of a specific probe set.
    |	|			   
    |	|
    |	+-<Training Set>	... This directory contains one text file which records the image names 
    |                               in the Training set.
    +-<FRONTAL>			... Frontal Subset of CAS-PEAL-R1
    |	|
    |	+-<Accessory>		... images with accessory variations
    |	|
    |	+-<Background>		... images with background variations
    |	|
    |	+-<Distance>		... images with distance variations
    |	|
    |	+-<Expression>		... images with expression variations
    |	|
    |	+-<Lighting>		... images with lighting variations
    |	|
    |	+-<Aging>		... images with aging variations
    |	|
    |	+-<Normal>		... images under normal conditions 
    +-<POSE>			... Pose Subset of CAS-PEAL-R1.
    	+-<000001>		... All the pose images of one person are stored in one directory
    	+-<000002>		... Each directory's name is one person's ID.


  • 建立FaceRecognition的类实例
  • 调用train方法进行训练
  • 若载入权重,将load_pretrained置为True


  • 建立FaceRecognition的类实例
  • 调用predict方法进行预测,输入为图片文件路径,输出1为同一人,输出0为不同人
  • 训练好的权重下载地址
  • 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1YinGcQ8_4FKRKrIo0fd7Xw 提取码:7iog
  • 该权重在数据集上正确率为98.72%
  • 注意:预测图片尽量与CAS-PEAL-R1图片的size类似(360*480)


  • 借鉴ResNet50
  • 采用多个小卷积核级联的形式提高感受野
  • 使用inception block形式将不同感受野结合
  • 采用leaky relu加快训练
  • 使用L1距离加上logistic回归单元进行预测
