
ARPACK++ documentation.

Primary LanguageTeX

ARPACK++ documentation

This is a TeX version of the official ARPACK++ documentation available at www.ime.unicamp.br/~chico/arpack++. It is based on

At the moment, it contains the Users' Guide, but not the Function Reference (the appendix of the original documentation).


The ARPACK++ documentation is published under Creative Commons license BY-SA. Many thanks to Francisco Gomes and Danny Sorensen for making this possible.

How to compile

The minted package is used for highlighting source code. This means that Python and Pygments have to be installed to compile the tex files.

To build the Users' Guide PDF file, use the following commands:

pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape "Users Guide.tex"
bibtex "Users Guide"
makeindex "Users Guide.idx"
pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape "Users Guide.tex"
pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape "Users Guide.tex"


  1. Add some kind of preface (contributors of the TeX documentation, last edit date / version, what changes were made).
  2. Section 1.1 Obtaining the software:
  • Point to the GitHub version of ARPACK and ARPACK++. The links to the official homepages can stay, but it should be made clear, that those versions are no longer maintained.
  • The UMFPACK part should point to SuiteSparse, Cholmod could be mentioned.
  • Delete STL part (I don't know of any compilers that don't have native support for STL).
  1. Section 1.2 Installing ARPACK++:
  • Add documentation for more up-to-date build systems (CMake).
  • Add a few notes for Windows users.
  1. Section 1.5 Comparing the performance of ARPACK and ARPACK++:
  • Update with result for modern compilers.
  • Having some kind of benchmark code in the ARPACK++ GitHub repository would be nice.
  1. Add a more complete index.
  2. Remove the reference to "Template Numerical Toolkit (TNT)" in the introduction chapter (it's not used anywhere).
  3. Update all mentions of the "reference guide" or "appendix".
  4. Update all references inside the documentation (text like "see chapter 2" should become pdf links).
  5. Improve title page layout.