
TypeError: EventEmitter is not a constructor at new Stripe

Sananes opened this issue · 1 comments

@wobsoriano First of all, thank you for this library! I'm getting the following error though and I'm not too sure why?

Maybe you can help me:

I have a feeling its to do with the server function not running on the server.

import Stripe from 'stripe'

const stripe = new Stripe(import.meta.env.VITE_STRIPE_SECRET_KEY, {
  apiVersion: '2022-08-01',

export default function createPaymentIntent() {
  return stripe.paymentIntents.create({
    amount: 1069,
    currency: 'eur',
    automatic_payment_methods: { enabled: true },

Have you ran into this issue before?

Thanks in advance!

Hey, can you try the latest release? Thanks!