
class and descriptionClass are not applied since 0.3.8

Closed this issue ยท 9 comments

Describe the bug

Since 0.3.8, class and descriptionClass defined in toastOptions are not applied.
Before 0.3.8, this works just fine.


After 0.3.8 -> https://stackblitz.com/edit/sveltejs-kit-template-default-iwms5q?file=src%2Froutes%2F%2Bpage.svelte You can see that it does not work. The class is simply not used.

Before 0.3.8 -> https://stackblitz.com/edit/sveltejs-kit-template-default-l21smf?file=src%2Froutes%2F%2Bpage.svelte
The class is applied correctly:


No relevant logs

System Info

    OS: Linux 6.6 Arch Linux
    CPU: (24) x64 AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor
    Memory: 41.47 GB / 62.70 GB
    Container: Yes
    Shell: 3.7.0 - /usr/bin/fish
    Node: 18.18.2 - /usr/bin/node
    Yarn: 1.22.21 - /usr/bin/yarn
    npm: 10.2.5 - /usr/bin/npm
    pnpm: 8.14.0 - /usr/bin/pnpm
    bun: 1.0.18 - /usr/bin/bun
    Chromium: 120.0.6099.199
    @sveltejs/kit: ^1.20.4 => 1.30.3 
    svelte: ^4.0.5 => 4.2.8 
    svelte-sonner: ^0.3.0 => 0.3.11


blocking an upgrade

Looks like the rewrite PR added a new property to the toastOptions named classes that accepts the toast and description class:

	toastOptions={{ classes: { toast: 'some-class', description: 'other-class' } }}

I'll check why I missed that, thanks!

Looks like the rewrite PR added a new property to the toastOptions named classes that accepts the toast and description class:

	toastOptions={{ classes: { toast: 'some-class', description: 'other-class' } }}

I'll check why I missed that, thanks!

I think I've tried that one and it didn't work either? I remember that the one that you can use to style warning, error and other toasts separately worked. But I didn't want to specify it for each toast type

Oh well that was fast, I'll check it out when a new release gets pushed

@kyngs new release is available. Feel free to reopen this issue!

Yup, the release seems to have fixed that. However, where is descriptionClass supposed to apply?

(I thought it was supposed to apply on the text, but that does not seem to be the case: https://stackblitz.com/edit/sveltejs-kit-template-default-2mnnam?file=src%2Froutes%2F%2Bpage.svelte)

Oh, you want to apply it to the title instead:

<Toaster richColors toastOptions="{{
   duration: 500000,
   classes: { title:  'my-toast' } 

Oh, you want to apply it to the title instead:

<Toaster richColors toastOptions="{{
   duration: 500000,
   classes: { title:  'my-toast' } 

Ahhh, I did not know that the toast can have a description, so I kinda assumed it was the title. Thanks for the explanation!

Honestly the docs might need some updating so mb ๐Ÿ˜†

You can check the styling section as well - https://github.com/wobsoriano/svelte-sonner#styling