
Drupal 7: indexes not rebuilt when importing via mariadb-init volume

Opened this issue · 2 comments


When using mariadb-init bind mount for database import Drupal 7 does not build indexes when visit the site first time. I check indexes after the first visit via:

show index from system;

Column cardinality is still 0. Reproducible with Vanilla Drupal 7.61 (-4.9.2) and MariaDB 10.2.18, 10.3.10 (-3.3.9)

However when import performed via drush sqlc < file.sql or mysql db < file.sql after the full init/start of mariadb, indexes built correctly after the first visit.

Couldn't reproduce this issue with Drupal 8.


Do not use import via mariadb-init bind mount, instead import manually post-start. You can rename your dump file in mariadb-init bind mount from dump.sql or dump.sql.gz to something like dump.txt so MariaDB would ignore it during init. Then access mariadb container after it has started via docker-compose exec mariadb sh and run:

mysql -udrupal -drupal drupal < /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/dump.txt

@csandanov another way is to run a mysql optimize to rebuild the indices mysqlcheck -o -udrupal -p drupal


When using mariadb-init bind mount for database import Drupal 7 does not build indexes when visit the site first time. I check indexes after the first visit via:

show index from system;

Column cardinality is still 0. Reproducible with Vanilla Drupal 7.61 (-4.9.2) and MariaDB 10.2.18, 10.3.10 (-3.3.9)

However when import performed via drush sqlc < file.sql or mysql db < file.sql after the full init/start of mariadb, indexes built correctly after the first visit.

Couldn't reproduce this issue with Drupal 8.


Do not use import via mariadb-init bind mount, instead import manually post-start. You can rename your dump file in mariadb-init bind mount from dump.sql or dump.sql.gz to something like dump.txt so MariaDB would ignore it during init. Then access mariadb container after it has started via docker-compose exec mariadb sh and run:

mysql -udrupal -drupal drupal < /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/dump.txt

This is not a valid mysql command, it has to be

mysql -u drupal -pdrupal drupal < /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/dump.txt