
Docker4drupal, d4d - how to see/access files of the conteiner? How to edit files? How to commit files of Drupal to git?

o771e opened this issue · 3 comments

o771e commented

There are files in the php container, ls -1


Where are they? I was expecting them in my d4d folder?
My d-c.yml

    - ./:/var/www/html:cached
    - ./:/var/www/html:cached

What do I do to be able to see files?

o771e commented

I don't get the whole purpuse of D4d, why it even exists if I still need to go to Drupal org and get drupal-core recommended, erase .git folder of d4d and checkout drupal-core-recommended. And it won't clone becuase folder is not empty.
Do I store d4d git separately from drupal-core?

I just don't get this whole project and why it exists

There are better php images if there is no Drupal: https://github.com/thecodingmachine/docker-images-php

o771e commented

It was really hard to understand this but d4d is not meant for using Drupal files that go inside of it. Install Drupal separately.

Drupal org and get drupal-core recommended, erase .git folder of d4d and checkout drupal-core-recommended. And it won't clone becuase folder is not empty.

This is not true.. you start the stack, composer create-project drupal/core-recommended and theres drupal. you shouldnt be git clone-ing Drupal into the project, you should use composer.

What do I do to be able to see files?

What files, exactly?

Do I store d4d git separately from drupal-core?

What .git folder?