
Pre-use questions.

BobbyBabes opened this issue · 2 comments


Built-in vanilla WordPress

Host OS

Arch Linux (desktop)

Docker version

Docker version 18.09.5-ce, build e8ff056dbc

I'm not using this yet.

  1. Can requests to the internet (js, css, img, services, etc) from within the Apache and NginX containers, be routed through VPN containers like https://github.com/kylemanna/docker-openvpn and https://github.com/dperson/openvpn-client ?
    And only local/internal traffic through traefik.
  2. Instructions to Custom configure vhosts for NginX is clear. What about Apache ?
  3. Is the example location /var/www/html/vhost.conf for a custom vhost config for NginX persistent ?
  4. Is https://hub.docker.com/r/jwhitworksweb/docker4wordpress on Docker Hub, somehow related to this repo ? :

So I just checked this out.
In ~/dev/docker-test/docker4wordpress/.env because the initial login group for regular users (users) on Arch Linux is 100. :

# Linux (uid 1000 gid 1000)
Linux (uid 1000 gid 100)
docker-compose up
ERROR: In file ./.env: environment variable name 'Linux (uid 1000 gid 100)' may not contains whitespace.

So I change the line to :

# Linux (uid 1000 gid 1000)
#--Linux (uid 1000 gid 100)
Linux (uid 1000 gid 0100)
docker-compose up
ERROR: In file ./.env: environment variable name 'Linux (uid 1000 gid 0100)' may not contains whitespace.

Next! :

# Linux (uid 1000 gid 1000)
#--Linux (uid 1000 gid 100)
#--Linux (uid 1000 gid 0100)
uid 1000 gid 100
docker-compose up
ERROR: In file ./.env: environment variable name 'uid 1000 gid 100' may not contains whitespace.
Next! :

Next! :

# Linux (uid 1000 gid 1000)
#--Linux (uid 1000 gid 100)
#--Linux (uid 1000 gid 0100)
#--uid 1000 gid 100
uid 1000 gid 0100

docker-compose up
ERROR: In file ./.env: environment variable name 'uid 1000 gid 0100' may not contains whitespace.

Next! :

# Linux (uid 1000 gid 1000)
#--Linux (uid 1000 gid 100)
#--Linux (uid 1000 gid 0100)
#--uid 1000 gid 100
#--uid 1000 gid 0100
uid 1000
gid 100
docker-compose up
ERROR: In file ./.env: environment variable name 'uid 1000' may not contains whitespace.

Any ideas to get this going ?
Group ID 1000 is not an option. It's already taken.

Jeez! (◔_◔) I just gave it another shot. It is :

