
Redis won't connect with WP plugin

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When I added define('WP_REDIS_HOST', 'redis'); to my wp-config.php file, the Redis Object Cache settings page would stay "Status: Not Connected" after clicking the "Enable Object Cache" button.

Once I changed wp-config to define('WP_REDIS_HOST', ''), the Redis Object Cache plugin setting page did show Status: Connected. I disconnected just to test again with "redis", wouldn't work, I put again which now doesn't work anymore!

Kitematic shows the Redis container log with "the server is now ready to accept connections on port 6379." If I run "docker exec -it mywordpress_redis_1 redis-cli" from the command line, I do get a prompt showing ""

In the WP plugin the Servers table shows 1 entry:
Alias Protocol Host Port Database Password
Master TCP 6379 0 No

I then set a password under environment: in the docker-compose redis: service, followed by docker-compose up -d. I then added that same password to wp-config, now the plugin settings show:
Alias Protocol Host Port Database Password
Master TCP 6379 0 Yes

But I still can't connect. I also set WP_REDIS_PORT and WP_REDIS_DATABASE for good measure, no dice.

This is with Redis 3.2.3 and, Redis Object Cache 1.3.4 under WP 4.6.1, with a slightly modified version of your package (I run WP as a container from the wordpress-fpm image) under the latest Docker for Windows.

Hi @otravers,

define('WP_REDIS_HOST', 'redis');

It's a correct value of the Redis hostname, so it should work.

What's in the redis log docker-compose logs redis?

Also, try to connect to the redis from the php.

# docker-compose exec php sh

# ping redis
PING redis ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.178 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.120 ms

# telnet redis 6379
set testkey 10
get testkey

I deleted my Redis container, switched back to define('WP_REDIS_HOST', 'redis');, started again the Redis container, can now properly connect. Not sure what happened, sorry for the trouble and you can close this ticket.

Thanks also for your troubleshooting tips, I also installed this web interface to better see what's going on with Redis: