
Error loading class 'solr.extraction.ExtractingRequestHandler'

genebobmiller opened this issue · 12 comments

When attempting to index file attachments using the Drupal module 'search_api_attachments', it was discovered that the following error is being thrown inside the solr container:

Error loading class 'solr.extraction.ExtractingRequestHandler'

I believe this is caused by the path to apache-solr-cell-\d.*.jar or /extraction/lib being incorrect in the solrconfig.xml

Does it work when you change it to /opt/solr/contrib/extraction/lib/?

No that didn't work, I found that there was no apache-solr-cell.jar in the
/opt/solr/contrib/extraction/lib folder.

What did work was replacing line 90 of the solrconfig.xml with the following:

<lib dir="/opt/solr/dist/" regex="solr-cell-7.5.0.jar" />

Anything I can do to assist further in moving this forward?

I see there's the line that seems to be the same thing as what you replaced with:

  <lib dir="${solr.install.dir:../../../..}/dist/" regex="solr-cell-\d.*\.jar" />

Maybe there's something wrong with ${solr.install.dir:../../../..} but I doubt, because it used everywhere and it somehow works.

I see this line

<lib dir="${solr.install.dir:../../../..}/dist/" regex="solr-cell-\d.*\.jar" />

in the search_api_solr_8.x config sets but it is missing from the search_api_solr_7.x config sets.

I guess that's something that should be reported to search_api_solr 7.x

Could be, I'll leave that in your capable hands and look forward to this issue being resolved.

We've made the fix, could you please test the latest version

Despite several warnings on the creation of a core such as:

Couldn't add files from /opt/solr/server/solr/configsets/search_api_solr_7.x-1.14/../../../contrib/extraction/lib filtered by null to classpath: /opt/solr/server/solr/configsets/search_api_solr_7.x-1.14/../../../contrib/extraction/lib

This is now correctly indexing file attachments!

Cannot reproduce, what is the solr version and config set? How do you create a core?

From my docker-compose.yml (irrelevant lines removed):

      context: ./wodby-solr
        BASE_IMAGE_TAG: 7.5.0-alpine
        SOLR_VER: 7.5.0
      SOLR_DEFAULT_CONFIG_SET: search_api_solr_7.x-1.14
      SOLR_HEAP: 1024m

core created with:

make core=wodby -f /usr/local/bin/actions.mk

from inside the solr container.

Fixed in 3.1.0