
Userscrips do not work

Closed this issue · 9 comments


I want to test Userscripts with FREE Browser.

I have installed several of my Userscripts and non has worked.


Please advise.

See Readme for what is supported and what is not.
Switch on Debug to see if your script is being triggered

According to the "toast" message, it appears that Proxy Redirect is the only one that is triggered, and that is it. The behaviour of the Userscript is not realized.

Then you need to check if your @match clauses conform to the specification in Readme and make sure not to use @include, etc

I will do, for the rest of the userscripts.

// @match        file:///*
// @match        *://*/*

What is the status of GM API?

// @grant        GM.getValue
// @grant        GM.registerMenuCommand
// @grant        GM.setValue
// @grant        GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest

I do make use of these GM APIs, especially the GM.getValue and GM.setValue which make Userscripts as usable as "web extensions".

GM API is not supported

Will it be supported in future?

not planned

  1. Are PRs for supporting GM API acceptable?

  2. Should a feed renderer, which has extra features based on GM API that are optional, be working with FREE Browser?

I think that is quite complex and only very few people will be using it.
Not sure how intrusive that would be. The browser works great right now and I do not want to break things...