
Deep sleep inhibited if GPS is disabled

Closed this issue · 3 comments

  1. Press Start
  2. Disable Location manually or otherwise

The app prevents the system from entering Deep Sleep.

It's OK for the app to keep running in background but forcing the device to stay awake until the userr presses stop is a big no-no.

When you press START a service is started which also shows a notification. It tries to update your location every few seconds to do the job you requested. It will stop when you press STOP...

There is no excuse for preventing deep sleep.

If every app that uses a service was this broken, batteries (a valuable and scarce resource) would last 5 minutes.

If you can't fix it, then the right thing to do is retire it.

Non-sense. The app needs your location every few seconds. There is no time for deep sleep. Just uninstall it.