
Toilets without their own POI are not displayed

Closed this issue · 17 comments

Unfortunately I don't see the toilets which don't have their own POIs, but are tagged within another amenity entries, like libraries and other public buildings.

It would be great if these toilets are also shown.

This app searches for amenity=toilets.
If they are not tagged correctly they will not be shown.
Toilets which are tagged with access = private are discarded.

In the osm wiki it says:

"Facilities such as shops and pubs often have toilets inside them for customers, and sometimes free for the public as part of a scheme (e.g. Richmond Council). On the usual tags of amenity=pub, building=yes, shop=* add the following tags and use the 'toilets' namespace." https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dtoilets

So I would assume to find also these toilets in the app.

As the description (for people editing OpenStreetMap) says someone needs to "add" these tags.
If they are not tagged in OpenStreetMap LavSeeker cannot find them.
You can contribute by tagging such toilets in OpenStreetMap (https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit)

Yes and I do sometimes. That's the reason I am asking.
E.g.: https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/277834166

Previously it was only tagged with toilets:wheelchair=yes, now (since 6 days) also with toilets=yes and toilets:access=public.

But in lavatories I don't see these. What am I doing wrong?

I don't know if such toilets are found via the overpass-api which I am using.
They need to be tagged as amenity=toilets

But I think such "real" public toilets should have a separate POI.
If I included all toilets in places via a separate search for "toilets=yes" this would also show all toilets in restaurants, shops etc which are usually not meant to be public but only for customers.

Will think about a switch in settings

Please try this:
-Remove .zip and install

This version also shows toilets which are:

  • tagged as "toilets = yes"
  • not tagged as "access = customers" or "access = no"

Looking good.

Now I notice that 'only' 50 entries are shown. It would be great if there were some sort of filter (e.g. show only POIs which are open at the time) or hide POIs without enough information (operator is missing etc.).

opening hours are only given as text, nothing that can be simply evaluated, maybe with AI.
Operator is often missing for public toilets, but they are still there...

In this version you can click on a toilet on the map and it will scroll to the details


The other way around would also be great. So if I click at an entry from the list, it zooms to the place on the map.
One other 'killer' feature I miss is to navigate (and zoom) to my current gps position.

if you click on an item on the list it highlights the element on the map, it just does not zoom.

if you have GPS allowed in settings, your position will be shown with a red marker on the map and if you click on the location icon in the actionbar your current position will be used as center position and toilets around your position will be searched

it just does not zoom.
Yes, but that only works, if I previously haven't zoomed in and scrolled to see a more detailed map. Otherwise I often do not see the entry I clicked.

if you have GPS allowed in settings
Ah sorry, wasn't aware that by default it is disabled.

This version even shows toilets which are not tagged as "node" but as "way" which is true for quite many...


