
Show date in listening history

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Currently the listening history list shows only the time each bird (or human vocals) were matched by the model but not the date.

I would like to know when I heard some bird because I believe it would add more clarity to each matches.

If you don't want to show the date for each bird, it might be better to separate the list by dates with a horizontal line with the corresponding date.

I don't want a date in every item as it requires a lot of space.
Having a separator is complex, because RecyclerView does not support it. So it would require a lot of code.
Most people will simply clear this list every day, so it is not important for them.
If the list is exported, you have the full timestamp (seconds since 1970) and can do further evaluation, e.g in Excel.

a simple solution might be to add date/time below the name in the image. So you will see it when the item is selected and the image is shown

You can try this version:
Remove .zip and install

Now also with a header.

Thank you very much! This is exactly as I imagined it!