
An improved GraphQL API at the top of regular SWAPI (StarWars API)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Star Wars GraphQL

This simple Star Wars API GraphQL wrapper with cache.


This application was created as a "home recruitment task" to the Polish company based in Cracow - Dev and Deliver.

  • Feedback from the company: We continue the process with other candidates!
  • My feedback after recruitment process: Do not waste your time to the recruitment process, after final task submit I wait two weeks to any response (they clone the repo in the same day I submitted the link), finally I got plain, soulless email with list of things I did wrong, any call from recruiter side. In summary: process experience = F

Used technologies

  • 🎁 Repository: standard Git repository
  • 🌈 Framework: nest.js
  • 🛠️ Tools: prisma orm, graphql
  • 💎 Others: docker and docker-compose, cqrs, postgresql


This application uses GraphQL. You can find the GraphQL playground at http://localhost:3000/graphql. Currently, the following queries are available:

Basic queries

  • film(id: number) - returns a film by id
  • allFilms(page?: number) - returns all films, with optional pagination
  • planet(id: number) - returns a planet by id
  • allPlanets(page?: number) - returns all planets, with optional pagination
  • species(id: number) - returns a species by id
  • allSpecies(page?: number) - returns all species, with optional pagination
  • starship(id: number) - returns a starship by id
  • allStarship(page?: number) - returns all starship, with optional pagination
  • vehicle(id: number) - returns a vehicle by id
  • allVehicles(page?: number) - returns all vehicles, with optional pagination

Additional queries

  • uniqueWords - returns table of pairs (word-frequency) separated by \n\r characters, pairs based on the opening crawl of all films,
  • mostOftenName - returns the most common name in the opening crawl of all films.

Usage example

query {
  film(id: 1) {
    // rest fields


To run tests type and run: npm run test in the root directory. The app contains external API tests, 22 tests in total.


Test Suites: 6 passed, 6 total
Tests:       22 passed, 22 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        39.145 s, estimated 44 s

How to run in development mode

  1. Install Docker.
  2. Install Node.js.
  3. Clone the repository.
  4. Get and run database: docker run --name swapi-gql-db -p 5432:5432 -d -e -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="passw123" postgres:13.1-alpine
  5. Type and run: npm install in the root directory.
  6. Generate the database schema: npx prisma db push
  7. Type and run: npm run start in the root directory.
  8. Open http://localhost:3000/graphql in your browser to see the GraphQL playground.

How to run in production mode

  1. Install Docker.
  2. Clone the repository.
  3. Type and run: docker-compose build -d in the root directory.
  4. Type and run: docker-compose up -d in the root directory.
  5. Open http://localhost:3000/graphql in your browser to see the GraphQL playground.