Pinned issues
- 2
- 2
parameterized_class does not work with inheritence
#173 opened by tjbrix - 4
Is possible to combine @parameterized.expand and @parameterized_class?
#132 opened by wilsonjefferson - 0
- 2
`Empty suite` when using `parameterized_class`
#171 opened by dinager - 4
"TypeError: don't know how to make test from: None" when executing just the test method.
#146 opened by luanfonceca - 2
Custom decorator for expanded tests
#166 opened by wn - 4
parameterized_class doesn't remove test methods from the base class's superclasses
#119 opened by leifwalsh - 0
- 8
Type hints
#143 opened by adamchainz - 2
Support pytest7
#167 opened by musicinmybrain - 0
- 0
sdist is missing tox.ini
#165 opened by mtelka - 2
- 6
Is it possible to write unittests for async functions using @parameterized.expand?
#137 opened by SadiaAfrinPurba - 6
expand doesn't work with mock.patch.multiple
#138 opened by ArthurGW - 6
Python 3.10 Support
#142 opened by ulgens - 7
Use unittest's subTest on py > 3.4?
#98 opened by matthijskooijman - 3
Add id attribute to param
#136 opened by souliane - 2
bytes as parameter crashes the expansion
#134 opened by JaimeRoelandts - 1
Lazy creation parameterized_class attributes
#139 opened by anudeepsamaiya - 2
- 0
- 2
Support xfail inside parameterized.expand
#117 opened by dzenilee - 5
0.8.1: pytest based test suite is failing
#122 opened by kloczek - 1
- 3
Is it possible to stack decorators to create a matrix similar to pytest.mark.parameterize?
#121 opened by markddavidoff - 0
test not found when include Chinese in doc
#131 opened by xqsun0 - 0
Loading Json File - Need help
#128 opened by lejencodes - 0
@parameterized.expand fails with type hinting
#126 opened by tomepel - 0
- 0
Directly calling parameterized tests fails
#123 opened by ThrawnCA - 2
Nesting parameterized_class
#102 opened by omry - 0
- 4
- 0
Package LICENSE.txt with pypi release
#113 opened by chohner - 1
parameterized.expand uses slow inspect.stack
#107 opened by gatesn - 2
@parameterized_class makes unnecessary assumption that snake_case is used for test methods names
#101 opened by przem14 - 1
UnicodeDecodeError if test method docstring contains non-ascii characters
#109 opened by radiophysicist - 1
no __version__ string
#103 opened by garfi303 - 1
Can't run single test from unittest.TestCase
#108 opened by vmikhieienko - 0
feature: report line number of the data when data is declared with param()
#105 opened by mathieucaroff - 8
Meaningful class names for tests when using parameterized_class with dictionaries (suggestion)
#87 opened by erezsh - 3
Non-ASCII characters in README.rst
#85 opened by moubctez - 5
0.7.1: test suite is failing
#84 opened by kloczek - 2
- 1
skip_on_empty not working on python 3
#92 opened by mrfunctionC3 - 1
error when testing in parallel with nose2
#91 opened by dcatteeu - 3
- 3
parameterized_class custom suffix ?
#96 opened by stuaxo