cinemaslides: SoX memory leak? (How to efficiently do channel mapping?)
XanderLo opened this issue · 2 comments
First of all, many thanks for the free DCP creation solution that supports 96kHz audio and encryption/KDM!
I have a specific need where I need to have audio on channel 13 of the DCP. I read all the documentation I could find on the digital_cinema_tools and digital_cinema_tools_distribution repos and I figured (please correct me if I'm wrong) that the mapping is done via the provided wave file channel configuration: i.e. a 16-channel wave would map to a 16-channel DCP.
Moreover, by looking at the cinemaslides script, I'd need to change the SMPTE_AUDIO_LABEL assignation to "16" instead of the limited choices of either 2.0, 5.1 or 7.2.
For now, the problem I'm having seems to be with the memory-intensive operation sox_conform. Even with 4GB of RAM, the 16-channel 1.8GB wave file cannot get processed and cinemaslides fails with the following error:
dbox@ubuntu:~/Documents/TestDCP$ cinemaslides -t dcp -o TEST_DCP3 -x cut,788 dbox2k.tiff CombinedAudioWave.wav
- cinemaslides v0.2012.07.05
- Creating 2D 2K DCP (flat 1998x1080 @ 24.0 fps). Encoder: openjpeg
- Number of images: 1
- Transition specs: cut,788
Black intermediate: None
- Projected length: 18912 frames, 13 minutes 8.0 seconds (788.0 seconds)
- Title: Cinemaslides test
- Annotation: cinemaslides 2012-08-02T10:17:04-07:00
- Issuer: dbox@ubuntu
- Kind: test
- Conform audio ...
- Conform audio: /home/dbox/Documents/TestDCP/CombinedAudioWave.wav
/home/dbox/.digital_cinema_tools/.bin/cinemaslides:2735:inread': failed to allocate memory (NoMemoryError) from /home/dbox/.digital_cinema_tools/.bin/cinemaslides:2735:in
from /home/dbox/.digital_cinema_tools/.bin/cinemaslides:2726:inconform_audio' from /home/dbox/.digital_cinema_tools/.bin/cinemaslides:2815:in
block in '
from /home/dbox/.digital_cinema_tools/.bin/cinemaslides:2814:ineach' from /home/dbox/.digital_cinema_tools/.bin/cinemaslides:2814:in
Do you know of a more efficient way to do the audio channel mapping? Some other DCP creation solutions require mono waves and they are assigned to specific channels. I think that would be ideal.
Below is the output of digital-cinema-tools-setup and my Ruby version is 1.9.3-p194.
Thanks in advance for your help!
digital-cinema-tools-setup v1.2012.06.17
OS: ubuntu
build-essential: OK
curl: OK
libxslt1-dev: OK
libxml2-dev: OK
libexpat1-dev: OK
xmlsec1: OK
libreadline-dev: OK
zlib1g: OK
zlib1g-dev: OK
libssl-dev: OK
imagemagick: OK
mplayer: OK
sox: OK
git-core: OK
libtiff4-dev: OK
libpng12-dev: OK
source $HOME/.bash_profile
bashrc: OK
PATH: /home/dbox/.digital_cinema_tools/.bin available in PATH
rbenv: OK
gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc
gemrc: OK
remote: Counting objects: 32, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done.
remote: Total 23 (delta 12), reused 17 (delta 6)
Unpacking objects: 100% (23/23), done.
From git://
6e491b8..16c894f master -> origin/master
Updating 6e491b8..16c894f
Fast-forward | 2 +-
share/ruby-build/jruby-1.7.0-preview1 | 2 +-
share/ruby-build/rbx-2.0.0-dev | 1 -
3 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
ruby-build: OK
Ruby: OK
Nokogiri: OK
Nokogiri: OK
openjpeg: OK
asdcplib: OK
Digital cinema tools distribution: Pulling updates ...
Already up-to-date.
Digital cinema tools distribution: cinemaslides OK
Digital cinema tools distribution: dc_crypto_context.rb OK
Digital cinema tools distribution: dcp_inspect OK
Digital cinema tools distribution: kdm-decrypt.rb OK
Digital cinema tools distribution: make-dc-certificate-chain.rb OK
Digital cinema tools distribution: public_key_thumbprint.rb OK
Digital cinema tools distribution: signature_check.rb OK
Digital cinema tools distribution: x509_extract.rb OK
Digital cinema tools distribution: x509_inspect.rb OK
Digital cinema tools distribution: xsd-check.rb OK
Digital cinema tools distribution: digital-cinema-tools-setup OK
cinemaslides: Required gem highline OK
cinemaslides: CINEMASLIDESDIR is set. OK
cinemaslides: CINEMACERTSTORE is set. OK
Local certificate store: Required certificates found
Local certificate store: OK
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
Tab completion: Fastpath set to on. Leaving untouched. OK
digital-cinema-tools-setup: OK
digital-cinema-tools-setup: Done
Hi, out of town for the remainder of this month. I'll look at this as soon as I'm free. Thanks for the feedback so far.
Note to self: See for the related topic on dcinemaforum