
Primary LanguagePython



Using ASR to obtain syllables, matching text from lyrics, and generating JSON for Minlabel preloading.

cpp version

How to use

  1. Install

    1. Install rapid_paraformer (Chinese)

      pip install -r requirements.txt
      pip install rapid_paraformer
    2. Download **resources.zip ** (Google Drive | 百度网盘)

      ├── [ 700]  config.yaml
      └── [4.0K]  models
          ├── [ 11K]  am.mvn
          ├── [824M]  asr_paraformerv2.onnx
          └── [ 50K]  token_list.pkl
    3. Install requirements Japanese (optional)

      pip install -r requirements_jp.txt
  2. Collect lyric

    1. Collect the original lyrics text and place it in the Lyric folder. The content is pure lyrics, and the file name is consistent with the audio before the AudioSlicer slicing (i.e. the part before the file name '_' after slicing)

      ├── chuanqi.txt
      ├── caocao.txt
      └── ...
    2. Place the cut file fragments in the wav folder. Unify the file name with the previous lyrics: [lyricName]_ xxx.wav.

      If there are multiple '_' in the file name, Take the far right as the dividing line. The file name in the left half must be the same as the lyrics file name in the previous step.

      ├── caocao_001.wav
      ├── caocao_002.wav
      └── ...
    3. Run rapid_asr.py obtains the lab results of asr.

      python rapid_asr.py --model_config resources/config.yaml --wav_folder wav_folder --lab_folder lab_folder
         --model_config   str  sample:resources/config.yaml Download from: https://github.com/RapidAI/RapidASR/blob/main/python/README.md
         --wav_folder     str  Sliced wav file folder (*.wav).
         --lab_folder     str  Folder for outputting lab files.       
    4. Run match_lyric.py obtains JSON and put it in the annotation folder of Minlabel.

      python match_lyric.py --lyric_folder lyric --lab_folder lab_folder --json_folder json_folder --asr_rectify True
          --lyric_folder      str  The file name corresponds to the lab prefix (before \'_\'), only pure lyrics are allowed (*.txt).
          --lab_folder        str  Chinese characters or pinyin separated by spaces obtained from ASR (*.lab).
          --json_folder       str  Folder for outputting JSON files.
          --diff_threshold    int  Only display different results with n words or more.
          --asr_rectify       bool Trust the result of ASR (if the result of ASR hits another candidate pronunciation of a polyphonic character, it is considered a g2p error).
          --syllable_neglect  bool Ignore syllable errors with similar pronunciations and refer to the Near_systolic.yaml file.
          --consonant_neglect bool Ignore consonant errors with similar pronunciations and refer to the Near_consonant.yaml file.
          --vowel_neglect     bool vowel errors with similar pronunciations and refer to the Near_vowel.yaml file.  

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