Can't compile solutions
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Hi I got this problem while compiling the solution:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS0006 Metadata file '\OpenChords-2.4.0\OpenChords\OpenChords.CrossPlatform\bin\Release\OpenChords.CrossPlatform.dll' could not be found OpenChords.CrossPlatform.Executable \OpenChords-2.4.0\OpenChords\OpenChords.CrossPlatform.Executable\CSC 1 Active
Hi Anthoner,
I have found the issue. Building OpenChords requires a tool called Pandoc to be installed (its used to building the OpenChords help files). I have updated the build to include Pandoc in a nuget package in the develop branch.
Please check it out and see if it solves your issue.
Hi MIchael,
Thanks for the reply and updates, I also have this error:
The command "\OpenChords-develop\OpenChords\Manual\MakeHelpDocument.bat
" exited with code 9009. OpenChords.CrossPlatform
Best Regards...
Hi Anthoner,
The MakeHelpDocument.bat requires the nuget package Pandoc.Windows.2.1.0 before it can run.
Please try force all the nuget packages to load by selecting the "Restore Nuget Packages" option in Visual Studio
Then try running the application.
It should be restoring all nuget packages by default but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Strange. Glad you came right
Hi Michael,
Actually I encounter this with other projects that I have done, usually I send all my folder with bin, including the compiled dll etc., or vice versa