
man page - what man page!

SlySven opened this issue · 2 comments

Um, I've just cloned and built this library and I can see there is a doc directory and that it contains html pages but that these are not installed outside of the source tree. I am intending to use this for a INI config file reader/writer provided by the Extension API on a Raspberry Pi (for a Home Automation Project) that I am SSHing into and I'm not using a GUI so I'd be looking to use man (or the GNU preferred documentation info system) to browse the reference documentation.

Is it intended to expand the documentation into other formats or to install the information into a known location? 😀

Having looked through the existing documentation for the bit I am interested in, I now can see that there is only a reader/parser of config files but there is _not something that can write it back out to the original file!_ Oh dear. 😞

Yes, it only provides a parser. And the API documentation in the package is in HTML format for your copy. You can browse them at http://wolkykim.github.io/qlibc/doc/html/files.html