
Easily include ace, receive reactive varibles for cursor position, editor contents, etc. Inspired by Madeye's reactive-ace project but updated for Meteor 0.9.1

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


Easily include ace, receive reactive varibles for cursor position, editor contents, etc. Inspired by Madeye's reactive-ace project but updated for Meteor 0.9.1

Quick Start

Add the package to your Meteor project

meteor add mandrill:ace

Include the template where ever you'd like the Ace Editor to appear


Grab the running instance of the controlling object and have fun!

var editor = MandrillAce.getInstance();



  • editor.ace: MandrillAce doesn't wrap all of Ace's logic, so sometimes you might want to get access to the real thing.
  • editor.id: The identifier that was most recently passed to ace.edit(id)

Static Methods

  • getInstance(): returns the instance of MandrillAce that was created when you embedded the template somewhere ({{>mandrill_ace}})

Instance Methods

  • detectMode(path): Compares the file extension of the path (a string object) given against a list a map of extensions and modes and attempts to set Ace's syntaxt highlighting mode correctly. Since this is for the Mandrill project, which deals almost entirely with XML files, it falls back to XML when the type can't be determined.
  • hasChanges(): reactive boolean indicating whether the user has modified the original text.
  • isFocused(): a reactive boolean. There is no isBlurred method because the reactivity involved ends up making that unneccessary.
  • mode(): reactive string indicating the current mode Ace is using for syntaxt checking and highlighting.
  • readOnly(): reactive bool; is ace is read-only mode or no?
  • setValue(aString): shortcut to replacing the body of the current editor. A call to this method will set hasChanges() to false.
  • theme(): reactive string containing the current theme Ace is using.
  • setMode(someMode): Tells Ace to use someMode for syntax checking and highlighting
  • setReadOnly(aBool): picking up on a pattern yet?
  • setTheme(someTheme): Tells Ace to use someTheme
  • value(): a reactive way to obtain the current text within the Ace editor

What Good Is Reactivity With Ace?

You could enable/disable a custom save button based on the output of hasChanges(). You could dim/brighten surrounding components dynamically by tying an appropriate css class to them based on the output of isFocused(). Maybe you want to use the detectMode() method to get syntax highlighting correct, but you'd also like to display the mode somewhere on the page; use the mode() method.

Here's a quick example using that last scenario with the modes.

<template name="myAwesomeTpl">
    Looks like you're editing in {{mode}} mode.
Template.myAwesomeTpl.mode = function() {
  return MandrillAce.getInstance().mode()

That's pretty much all there is to it as long as whatever mechanism you're using to load new content into the editor also has the ability to pass a filename or path to detectMode(), or, if the mode is changed by some other means.