
question: why not mypy strict?

Closed this issue · 1 comments


In your article and this project, a few MyPy configurations are setuped.

I wonder why MyPy strict is not replacing some of them?

For instance, MyPy version 0.942 defines --strict as:

  --strict                  Strict mode; enables the following flags: --warn-unused-configs,
                            --disallow-any-generics, --disallow-subclassing-any, --disallow-
                            untyped-calls, --disallow-untyped-defs, --disallow-incomplete-
                            defs, --check-untyped-defs, --disallow-untyped-decorators, --no-
                            implicit-optional, --warn-redundant-casts, --warn-unused-ignores,
                            --warn-return-any, --no-implicit-reexport, --strict-equality

Thank you for the suggestion! Added in #45