
Automated Plankton Classification from Holographic Imagery with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Citation If you find this work or code is helpful in your research, please cite:

title={Automated Plankton Classification from Holographic Imagery with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks}, author={Buyu Guo and Lisa Nyman and Aditya R. Nayak and David Milmore and Malcolm McFarland and Michael S. Twardowski and James M. Sullivan and Jia Yu and Jiarong Hong},

Table of Contents


The following Python libraries should be installed with pip:

  • thorch
  • torchvision
  • matplotlib
  • trackpy
  • opencv
  • sklearn

Example of how to install with pip:

$ pip3 install --user sklearn

Instructions for Use


  1. Create training and validation datasets. These should be a txt file with columns for image ID and their correspoding classes.
  2. Modify training parameters in [teShufflenet15.py.py]
  3. Train the model

Parameters in [teShufflenet15.py]:

  • batchSize: he number of training examples utilized in one iteration.

  • numClasses: how many classes we have.

  • numEpoch: the number of passes of the entire training dataset the machine learning algorithm has completed.

  • testSize: the ratio to split your data into training and testing

  • learningRate: a tuning parameter in an optimization algorithm that determines the step size at each iteration while moving toward a * * minimum of a loss function.

  • dropNum: ignoring units (i.e. neurons) during the training phase of certain set of neurons which is chosen at random.

  • featureExtract = True

  • usePretrained = False

  • dropout = True

  • mono: image type is grayscale or RGB

  • savePreAndRealFlag: a parameter for

  • inputSize: size of training images. If their length/width is smaller the inputSize, it will be padded to inputSize

  • imgType: type of the image

  • txtFil: txt file generated in step 1

  • modelName: the name of output model

  • filePath: set the path

  • savePath:set the saving path


  1. Modify training parameters in [groupProcessing.py]
  2. Processing
  • holoPath: path of holograms

  • netPath: path of the network

  • classNum: how many classes we need to classify

  • fileType: image type

  • segmentSavePath: the save path for segments (cropped from holograms)

  • cropSizeLimit: segments with length or width less than cropSizeLimit will not be considered

  • morphFlag: whether to use morphological analysis

  • adaptiveThreshold: whether to use adaptive threshold

  • noSuperviewThre: whether to use morphological analysis

  • outputRawImg: whether to output the original holograms

  • outputCoordinateFlag: whether to output the coordinates of segments

  • saveWithBackgroundFlag = True

  • paddingNum: add several pixels around segments

Please refer to the opencv documentation for the following parameters:

How to use

  • Train:
  1. Mark species as numbers (e.g., C. debils is 0; Diatom sp. is 1; D. brightwelli is 2 etc.)
  2. Create a txt file map the images path with their species (shown in the figure)
  3. Set parameters in ‘teShufflenet15.py’
  4. Run ‘teShufflenet15.py’
  • Classify:

** Classify the full-size holograms

  1. Set parameters in ‘groupProcessing.py’
  2. Run ‘groupProcessing.py’

** Classify the segments

  1. Comment out ‘imgCrop.imgSegment(…)’ in ‘groupProcessing.py’
  2. Set parameters in ‘groupProcessing.py’
  3. Run ‘groupProcessing.py’