
[FIX] when use class style, not use props with 'this'

gozeon opened this issue · 3 comments

Yes. tsx.Component does not touch inner type other than $scopedSlots.

There are some workarounds.

  1. Declare this explicitly.
class MyComponent extends tsx.Component<MyComponentProps, Events> {
  render(this: Vue & MyComponentProps) {
    return <button>{ this.text }</button>;
  1. Declare $props and access via it
class MyComponent extends tsx.Component<MyComponentProps, Events> {
  $props!: MyComponentProps;
  render() {
    return <button>{ this.$props.text }</button>;

I just use typescript properties instead

import Vue, { VNode } from 'vue';
import * as tsx from "vue-tsx-support";
import { Component, Prop, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator';
export interface SiHomeSectionTags {
    title: string;
export default class SiHomeSection extends tsx.Component<SiHomeSectionTags>{

    title!: string;
    render() {

        return [
            <header class="fxs-home-title" aria-label={this.title}>{this.title}</header>,
            <div class="fxs-home-section">