
Failed to import `enable-check`

keyakko opened this issue · 2 comments

Using this library with Nuxt.js will cause a fatal error.

Package subpath './enable-check' is not defined by "exports"

Screen Shot

I tried to import vue-tsx-support/enable-check into nuxt.config.ts.
But when I start up the development environment, I get this error.
This reproduction is here: https://codesandbox.io/s/vue-tsx-support-repro-import-issue-4o81s

You need to add vue-tsx-support/enable-check.d.ts to the types array of your tsconfig

Thanks for the response.
I have tried the two patterns below. But it is not solved.

  • Add enable-check.d.ts path to the types array of tsconfig. (I got the same error as in the first comment.)
  • In Additional to the first pattern, remove the enable-check import from nuxt.config.ts. (I was able to launch nuxt, but I get a type error that cannot interpret the built-in HTML tags. Reproduction is here)

I think this error is occurred because enable-check is not exported in the package.json.

"exports": {
".": {
"import": "./dist/esm/index.js",
"require": "./dist/cjs/index.js",
"default": "./dist/esm/index.js"
"./lib/*": {
"import": "./dist/esm/*.js",
"require": "./dist/cjs/*.js",
"default": "./dist/esm/*.js"