Strange error with gtp2ogs
phdsmhong opened this issue · 0 comments
Sorry for writing here. I wanted to contact you but I do not why. I am trying to register my bot in OGS. I followed your detailed instructions, and I finally got connected with OGS account with following command at AWS ubuntu server.
node /home/ubuntu/node_modules/gtp2ogs/dist/gtp2ogs.js --apikey xxxx --username HongGo AI --persist --boardsizes 19 --speeds blitz,live --maxmaintimeblitz 180 --maxmaintimelive 300 --maxconnectedgames 1 --nopause --debug -- /home/ubuntu/honggo/
But my bot is not showing up. I receive the following message, but nothing happens after that (I cannot find my bot in OGS). In your screenshot, you received a message saying 'Bot is user id', but I received nothing.
Dec 16 23:27:41 # Connecting to
Dec 16 23:27:41 # Connected
I have no clue why this is happening. Can you please help? Thank you for your attention.