
TypeError: You need a shiboken-based type

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Installation issue:

When I try to run the "maya_launcher.py", I get:
# Error: TypeError: file line 15: You need a shiboken-based type. #

Can I get some clarification? What am I missing here?

Not very familiar with these modules, so I don't know how basic that might be.


@Falxo more details please. Are you on windows? Are you installed everything correctly to maya?


OS: Mac OSX (10.13.1)
Python: Ver3.6 (pip 20.0.2)
Application: Maya 2019.2

Tried both manual and direct-pip installations.
Made sure to get all the required packages listed.
Copied all repository content to Maya's default "script" directory just in case of references.

Thanks for the response.

Not tested maya launcher on Mac at all. I think you should check how to use shiboken on mac, maybe there are some differences from windows

Issue has been resolved, there were conflicting modules from packages installed by pip, pip2 and pip3. I did "pip list" and started removing duplicates/unnecessary packages until the namespace conflict was resolved. I had loads of packages clogging up everything. It had nothing to do with it being on a Mac.

Thank you) Good point to start using virtualenv))