
Docker template for 2 typical use cases. 1) Jupyter workspace to be shared 2) Console app ready to deploy 3) REST API ready to deploy

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Docker with jupyter notebook (See folder 01-docker-jupyter)

Required files:

  • data/iris-dataset.csv - Iris flower CSV dataset
  • iris-virutalization.ipynb - jupyter notebook with EDA
  • Dockerfile - docker file with below scripts

FROM python:3.7.3-slim
WORKDIR /project
COPY . /project
RUN pip install pandas jupyter
CMD ["jupyter","notebook","--ip=", "--port=8888", "--no-browser", "--allow-root"]

Open command prompt under this folder and below scripts to build image and run container respectively:

docker build -t docker-jupyter .
docker container run -p 8888:8888 docker-jupyter

Copy the provided jupyter URL with token to access

Docker with console application (See folder 02-docker-console-app)

Required files:

  • calculate_primes.py - console application that can print first N primes
  • Dockerfile - docker file with below scripts

FROM python:3.7.3-slim
WORKDIR /project
COPY . /project
RUN pip install tqdm
ENTRYPOINT ["python", "calculate_primes.py"]

Open command prompt under this folder and below scripts to build image and run container respectively:

docker build -t docker-consoleapp .
docker container run docker-consoleapp

The tqdm module doesnt work well from the output from docker but this example is to demonstrate how to install extra dependencies when setup docker

Docker with REST API (See folder 03-docker-rest-api)

Required files:

  • app.py - flask backend application that can get first N primes
  • Dockerfile - docker file with below scripts

FROM python:3.7.3-slim
WORKDIR /project
COPY . /project
RUN pip install Flask
RUN pip install flask-cors
CMD ["python","app.py"]

Open command prompt under this folder and below scripts to build image and run container respectively:

docker build -t docker-restapi .
docker container run -p 5000:5000 docker-restapi

Use API client tool like Postman to call GET API for first 1000 primes.