
WC 9.0 Compatibility

jorgemd24 opened this issue · 0 comments



0. Installation 🧪

  • 🧪 Activating the plugin doesn't cause errors.
  • 🧪 Deactivating the plugin doesn't cause errors.

1. Settings

  • 🧪 Go to Settings ( WooCommerce → Settings → Integration → Google Analytics )
  • 🧪 Confirm it loads OK.
  • Confirm that "Product Identification" appears and you can select between Product ID and SKU
  • Confirm that "Google Analytics Tracking ID" field appears. Add a test tracking like: G-28QSQJCS9D
  •  Select all: "Display Advertising" Support, Purchase Transactions, Add to Cart Events, Remove from Cart Events, Product Impressions from Listing Pages, Product Clicks from Listing Pages, Product Detail Views, Checkout Process Initiated

2. Check scrips and data is loaded 🧪

  •  ðŸ§ª As guest or not admin. check google-tag-manager-js script is loading async https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-XXXXXXX
  •  ðŸ§ª As guest or not admin. Check woocommerce-google-analytics-integration-gtag-js-after script is loaded with all the gtag config: gtag("config", "G-XXXX", {"track_404":true,"allow_google_signals":true,"logged_in":false,"linker":{"domains":[],"allow_incoming":false},"custom_map":{"dimension1":"logged_in"}});
  •  ðŸ§ª As guest or not admin. check woocommerce-google-analytics-integration-js script is loaded the main file
  •  ðŸ§ª As guest or not admin. check woocommerce-google-analytics-integration-data-js-after script is loaded with all the window.ga4w config: i.e for the cart page: window.ga4w = { data: {"cart":{"items":[{"id":9154,"name":"Incredible Bronze Watch"
  •  ðŸ§ª As guest or not admin. Go to shop and verify page_view is sent
  • 🧪 Log as admin. None of those scripts should be attached.

3. Check consent

  •  Check that the default consent is enabled
// Set up default consent state.
 for ( const mode of [{"analytics_storage":"denied","ad_storage":"denied","ad_user_data":"denied","ad_personalization":"denied","region":["AT","BE","BG","HR","CY","CZ","DK","EE","FI","FR","DE","GR","HU","IS","IE","IT","LV","LI","LT","LU","MT","NL","NO","PL","PT","RO","SK","SI","ES","SE","GB","CH"]}] \|\| [] ) {
  gtag( "consent", "default", { "wait_for_update": 500, ...mode } );
  gtag("js", new Date());
  gtag("set", "developer_id.dOGY3NW", true);
  gtag("config", "G-XXXXX", {"track_404":true,"allow_google_signals":true,"logged_in":false,"linker":{"domains":[],"allow_incoming":false},"custom_map":{"dimension1":"logged_in"}});
  •  Add a snippet for changing those settings, and verify is being sent in the debugger:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_ga_gtag_consent_modes', function ( $consent_modes ) {
		$consent_modes[] =
				'analytics_storage' => 'granted',
				'ad_storage' => 'granted',
				'ad_user_data' => 'granted',
				'ad_personalization' => 'granted',
				'region' => ['ES'],
		return $consent_modes;
	} );

4. Check default theme shop page events

  • 🧪 Go to that page and verify that view_item_list is being triggered for the products in the grid.
  • 🧪 Click on Add to Cart in one of the products and verify add_to_cart is being triggered.
  • Click on the product image in one of the products and verify that select_content is being triggered.

5. Check blocks (Products Beta) events

Prereqs. Create a page with "Poducts Beta" block on it.

  • 🧪 Go to that page and verify that view_item_list is being triggered for the products in the grid.
  • 🧪 Click on Add to Cart in one of the products and verify add_to_cart is being triggered.
  • Click on the product image in one of the products and verify that select_content is being triggered.

6. Check blocks (All Products) events

Prereqs. Create a page with "All Products" block on it.

  • 🧪 Go to that page and verify that view_item_list is being triggered for the products in the grid.
  • 🧪 Click on Add to Cart in one of the products and verify add_to_cart is being triggered.
  • Click on the product image in one of the products and verify that select_content is being triggered.

7. Check triggers (Classic pages) events

Prereqs. Create a page with [products] shortcode on it.

  • 🧪 Go to that page and verify that view_item_list is being triggered for the products in the grid.
  • 🧪 Click on Add to Cart in one of the products and verify add_to_cart is being triggered.
  • Click on the product image in one of the products and verify that select_content is being triggered.

8. Check Single product page events

  • 🧪 In the single product page check that view_item is triggered.
  • 🧪 In the single product page check that view_item_list is triggered for the related items.
  •  ðŸ§ª Add one of those related items to the cart. Verify add_to_cart is being triggered.
  •  Click on the name of one of those related items. Verify that select_content is being triggered.
  • 🧪 In the single product page. Add the item to cart. Verify add_to_cart is being triggered.
  • 🧪 In a variable page. Add the item to cart. Verify add_to_cart is being triggered.

9. Check Cart

  •  ðŸ§ª Open the cart on the side and remove an item. Verify that remove_from_cart event was triggered.
  •  ðŸ§ª Go to the cart page and remove an item. Verify that remove_from_cart event was triggered.

10. Check Purchase

  •  ðŸ§ª Add an item to the cart. And go to Checkout. Verify that begin_checkout was triggered.
  • 🧪 Place the order. Verify that purchase was triggered.

11. Disabling events

  •  Go to Settings and uncheck everything in "Event Tracking" section.
  • Verify thatview_item_list event is not being triggered anymore.
  • Verify that add_to_cart event is not being triggered anymore.
  •  Verify that select_content event is not being triggered anymore.
  •  Verify that view_item event is not being triggered anymore.
  •  Verify that remove_from_cart event is not being triggered anymore.
  • Verify that begin_checkout is not triggered.
  • Verify that purchase is not triggered.

12. WP Consent API integration

  • Install & activate WP Consent API extension wp plugin install wp-consent-api --activate
  • (optional) Install Autoptimize plugin wp plugin install autoptimize --activate
  • Go to the shop page. Verify in TA that view_item_list is being triggered with all "Denied" consent.
  • In browser dev tools execute wp_set_consent('statistics', 'allow'). Verify that analytics_storage consent was updated.
  • Add item to the cart. Verify that add_to_cart is being triggered with updated consent.
  • Reload the page. Verify in TA that view_item_list is being triggered with "Granted" consent.
  • In browser dev tools execute wp_set_consent('marketing', 'allow'). Verify that ad_storage, ad_user_data, ad_personalization consent was updated.
  • Add item to the cart. Verify that add_to_cart is being triggered with updated consent.
  • Reload the page. Verify in TA that view_item_list is being triggered with all "Granted" consent.
  • In browser dev tools execute wp_set_consent('statistics', 'deny'). Verify that analytics_storage consent was updated.
  • Add item to the cart. Verify that add_to_cart is being triggered with updated consent.
  • Reload the page. Verify in TA that view_item_list is being triggered with "Denied" analytics_storage consent.