🔍 A powerful web-crawling framework, based on aiohttp.
- Write your crawler in one Python script with asyncio
- Schedule task with priority, fingerprint, exetime, recrawl...
- Middleware: add handlers before or after task's execution
- Simple shortcuts to speed up scripting
- Parse html conveniently with Parsel
- Parse with rules and chained processors
- Support JavaScript/browser-automation with pyppeteer
- Stop and Resume: crawl periodically and persistently
- Distributed work support with Redis
To install, simply use pip:
$ pip install acrawler
$ pip install uvloop #(only Linux/macOS, for faster asyncio event loop)
$ pip install aioredis #(if you need Redis support)
$ pip install motor #(if you need MongoDB support)
$ pip install aiofiles #(if you need FileRequest)
Documentation and tutorial are available online at https://acrawler.readthedocs.io/ and in the docs
from acrawler import Crawler, Request, ParselItem, Handler, register, get_logger
class MovieItem(ParselItem):
log = True
css = {
# just some normal css rules
# see Parsel for detailed information
"date": ".subtext a[href*=releaseinfo]::text",
"time": ".subtext time::text",
"rating": "span[itemprop=ratingValue]::text",
"rating_count": "span[itemprop=ratingCount]::text",
"metascore": ".metacriticScore span::text",
# if you provide a list with additional functions,
# they are considered as field processor function
"title": ["h1::text", str.strip],
# the following four fules is for getting all matching values
# the rule starts with [ and ends with ] comparing to normal rules
"genres": "[.subtext a[href*=genres]::text]",
"director": "[h4:contains(Director) ~ a[href*=name]::text]",
"writers": "[h4:contains(Writer) ~ a[href*=name]::text]",
"stars": "[h4:contains(Star) ~ a[href*=name]::text]",
class IMDBCrawler(Crawler):
config = {"MAX_REQUESTS": 4, "DOWNLOAD_DELAY": 1}
async def start_requests(self):
yield Request("https://www.imdb.com/chart/moviemeter", callback=self.parse)
def parse(self, response):
yield from response.follow(
".lister-list tr .titleColumn a::attr(href)", callback=self.parse_movie
def parse_movie(self, response):
url = response.url_str
yield MovieItem(response.sel, extra={"url": url.split("?")[0]})
class HorrorHandler(Handler):
family = "MovieItem"
logger = get_logger("horrorlog")
async def handle_after(self, item):
if item["genres"] and "Horror" in item["genres"]:
self.logger.warning(f"({item['title']}) is a horror movie!!!!")
def process_time(value):
# a self-defined field processing function
# process time to minutes
# '3h 1min' -> 181
if value:
res = 0
segs = value.split(" ")
for seg in segs:
if seg.endswith("min"):
res += int(seg.replace("min", ""))
elif seg.endswith("h"):
res += 60 * int(seg.replace("h", ""))
return res
return value
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Scrape quotes from http://quotes.toscrape.com/
from acrawler import Parser, Crawler, ParselItem, Request
logger = get_logger("quotes")
class QuoteItem(ParselItem):
log = True
default = {"type": "quote"}
css = {"author": "small.author::text"}
xpath = {"text": ['.//span[@class="text"]/text()', lambda s: s.strip("“")[:20]]}
class AuthorItem(ParselItem):
log = True
default = {"type": "author"}
css = {"name": "h3.author-title::text", "born": "span.author-born-date::text"}
class QuoteCrawler(Crawler):
main_page = r"quotes.toscrape.com/page/\d+"
author_page = r"quotes.toscrape.com/author/.*"
parsers = [
follow_patterns=[main_page, author_page],
Parser(in_pattern=author_page, item_type=AuthorItem),
async def start_requests(self):
yield Request(url="http://quotes.toscrape.com/page/1/")
if __name__ == "__main__":
See examples.
- Replace parsel with parselx
- clean redundant handlers
- Cralwer's name for distinguishing
- Use dynaconf as configuration manager
- Add delta_key support for request
- Monitor all crawlers in web
- Write detailed Documentation
- Testing