
Browser wallet fails to connect to remote daemon.

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Browser wallet restores without problem but fails to connect to a remote daemon. Also tested the sample code below from https://github.com/woodser/xmr-sample-app with same results. Any clue what can be the issue?

`import assert from "assert";
import * as moneroTs from "monero-ts";


  • Sample code using monero-ts.
    async function runMain() {

// create wallet from seed phrase using WebAssembly bindings to monero-project
let walletFull = await moneroTs.createWalletFull({
password: "supersecretpassword123",
networkType: moneroTs.MoneroNetworkType.STAGENET,
server: {
uri: 'https://node.sethforprivacy.com',
username: '',
password: ''
seed: "hijack lucky rally sober hockey robot gumball amaze gave fifteen organs gecko skater wizard demonstrate upright system vegan tobacco tsunami lurk withdrawn tomorrow uphill organs",
restoreHeight: 589429

console.log('is connected', await walletFull.isConnectedToDaemon())

// synchronize with progress notifications
await walletFull.sync(new class extends moneroTs.MoneroWalletListener {
async onSyncProgress(height: number, startHeight: number, endHeight: number, percentDone: number, message: string) {
// feed a progress bar?

// synchronize in the background
await walletFull.startSyncing();

await walletFull.close();`

Returns the following errors:

is connected false LibraryUtils.js:262 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Wallet is not connected to daemon at c.deserializeError (http://localhost:8080/sample_code.dist.js:2:1169100) at c.invokeWorker (http://localhost:8080/sample_code.dist.js:2:1168866) at async q.invokeWorker (http://localhost:8080/sample_code.dist.js:2:1363636) at async q.sync (http://localhost:8080/sample_code.dist.js:2:1344675) at async http://localhost:8080/sample_code.dist.js:2:1833141 Worker error: Error: Wallet is not connected to daemon at D.sync (http://localhost:8080/monero_web_worker.js:2:1693166) at async self.sync (http://localhost:8080/monero_web_worker.js:2:1562512) at async self.onmessage (http://localhost:8080/monero_web_worker.js:2:1550098)

https://node.sethforprivacy.com/ is for mainnet, according to https://monero.fail/?web_compatible=true.

Apologies for the overlook in the example given. The issue remains with networkType: moneroTs.MoneroNetworkType.MAINNET, and returns the same error.

I'm seeing similar behavior in the offical gui with that seed. Have you tried a seed for mainnet?

I'm seeing similar behavior in the offical gui with that seed. Have you tried a seed for mainnet?

I have tried multiple mainnet seeds, same result all across.

It appears there's something wrong with that connection. I can't get https://node.sethforprivacy.com/ to work in the official gui either.

Other daemons are working, like https://node-xmr.encryp.ch:18089, which is web-compatible.

Found the problem. The default port is 443, so https://node.sethforprivacy.com:443 works.

Found the problem. The default port is 443, so https://node.sethforprivacy.com:443 works.

Indeed that was the problem -- thank you very much!