
New generated image doesn't display in browser

rbontekoe opened this issue · 4 comments

At first, I thought I could use the images as static files. If I added them to the public folder I only got to see them when I restarted the Bukdu server.

Then I changed the code as you see below by uncommenting the static route and added a . before /$(params.image)'. Next, I created a new image in the root folder while the server was running. Unfortunately, that didn't work either.

Question: How can I show new images in a browser?

function myimage(c::WebController)
    params = c.conn.path_params
    render(HTML, "<img src='./$(params.image)' />")

routes() do
    get("/img/:image", WebController, myimage)
    #plug(Plug.Static, at="/", from=normpath(@__DIR__, "public"))

when you created the new image in the public folder,
you must to update the routes by call routes again.

routes() do
    plug(Plug.Static, at="/", from=normpath(@__DIR__, "public"))

I fixed the CLI.routes() results in the master branch.

(@v1.5) pkg> dev Bukdu

Were these the right steps?

I cloned Bukdu with ] dev Bukdu, and did cd ~/.julia/dev/Bukdu/. Then started Julia 1.5.3, activated the folder, and ran the Bukdu server. Next, I copied image22.jpg into public and refreshed the browser. The image became only visible after refreshing the routes() do code.

I moved image22.jpg back to the root folder, renamed it image23.jpg, and moved it back into the public folder. Then I ran CLI.routes(). I expected that the image would be shown but it did not.

julia> TEST: image23.jpg
INFO: GET     WebController       myimage         200 /img/image23.jpg
INFO: GET     MissingController   not_found       404 /image23.jpg

julia> CLI.routes()
GET  /img/:image   WebController     myimage
GET  /image22.jpg  StaticController  readfile

shell> ls public/

try again routes for every changes in public folder.

routes() do
    plug(Plug.Static, at="/", from=normpath(@__DIR__, "public"))

you could watch_folder, FolderMonitor to update automatically.

Thank you, @wookay.

My final solution is:

using FileWatching

@async while true
    routes() do
      plug(Plug.Static, at="/", from=normpath(@__DIR__, "public"))