
at parameter of the Static plug is not working.

bicycle1885 opened this issue · 2 comments


I'm trying to use Bukdu.jl to create a backend of JBrowse. However, the at parameter of the Static plug seems to be not working.

My code looks like this:

Endpoint() do
    plug(Plug.Static, at="/", from=jbrowse_directory)
    plug(Plug.Static, at="/data", from=normpath(jbrowse_directory, "sample_data", "json", "volvox"))

where jbrowse_directory is a path pointing to the install directory.

Looking the definition of plug for Static, the at parameter doesn't seem to be used in its definition:

at = opts[:at]

Is this a bug or an intended behavior?

hello, Kenta.
thanks for the issue!

Thank you!