post processing
anj00 opened this issue · 2 comments
As I understand using pipeline one can setup preprocessing
Is there a way to setup postprocessing? i.e. some action which can be called AFTER processing function returned (in the ex2.jl
case that would be once function index(c::RESTController)
returned. and say if postprocessor would add an extra header if value of output is 42 and different header if it is not 42)
In my server flow I realized I need to do same action not only on every function's input but the output as well. would be great to be able to setup it in one place, just like preprocessing is done using pipeline
it might be needed such as register_before_send
in phoenix framework to support the post processing.
for a tricky, there's Bukdu.System.catch_response
function Bukdu.System.catch_response(route::Bukdu.Route, resp)
if route.C === RESTController && route.action === index && resp.body == Vector{UInt8}("42")
setheader(resp, "Extra" => "Header")