
Posts List: NSInvalidArgumentException: no object at index 5 in section at index 0

sentry-io opened this issue · 8 comments

Sentry Issue: JETPACK-IOS-16JP

NSInvalidArgumentException: no object at index 5 in section at index 0
  File "PostListViewController.swift", line 164, in PostListViewController.postAtIndexPath
  File "PostListViewController.swift", line 204, in PostListViewController.tableView
  File "<compiler-generated>", in PostListViewController.tableView
  File "main.swift", line 7, in main
(25 additional frame(s) were not displayed)

Possibly related to: #21310

@alpavanoglu, I think this is the duplicate of #22431. One reported on the WordPress app, and another on the Jetpack app. Other things match.

Since you assigned this one to yourself last week, I'm closing another one as a duplicate.

Hey @staskus
I have an open #22912 that I'll merge today, that is about an adjacent issue. I'll go back to our team's agenda as our release rotation is over. So I'll unassign this from myself. However, if I understood correctly, this file will go under a major refactoring. So all of this out of bounds issues will go away I hope.

Sentry Issue: JETPACK-IOS-16MN

We expect fixes in 24.7 to resolve this issue: p1712108556721509/1712050589.261159-slack-C064Y8ULHSR (linking here for better visibility)

kean commented

Release pushed back to 24.8.