
Support astro framework

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I think that it makes sense to support this trending framework

thanks for the suggestion @hckhanh.

Astro is currently outside of our capacity, given there focus on content sites and our focus on B2B SaaS.

we're supporting non-dominant frameworks via video tutorial content and unmaintained example repositories.
here's the playlist i made featuring Astro:

and my (personal) repository with a step-by-step guide for integration:

if you're interested in helping us build and maintain a first-class SDK and/or example, we'd welcome it.
something that makes this challenging (right now) is that framework integrations are under significant upstream pressure from language-level SDKs.

but it would be a good opportunity for anyone interested in understanding the underlying SDKs better.

let us know if you're interested in getting involved in this way.