
onDismissRequest is called twice when bottom sheet is dismissed by swiping down

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi, I really like you library and I'm trying to integrate it with my own Compose Navigation lib. I've noticed that swiping down causes the current BottomSheetDialog to call onDismissRequest twice, which breaks some logic for me. In all other cases this callback is always called once.

Could you maybe fix this issue and make it be called only once on swipe down? The current behaviour is very much unexpected and error-prone.

@olshevski There was some reason to add it. I'll check it again and resolve issue with #2

@olshevski BottomSheeetDialog (View) has own logic to cancel. I tried to handle animation and cancel logic both, however, it called onDismissRequest twice unintentionally.

I resolved this issue with new feature dismissWithAnimation property 🎉 which is handling animation and cancel logic both properly.

@olshevski Version 1.0.2 is published(or ongoing). I hope this new version work well as you expected.

Working great, thank you!