
01-intro-to-R-part-1 review notes

Closed this issue · 1 comments

  • Can the slides be aligned to the middle of the page instead of top?

  • Introduction - Might be better to phrase this part of the sentence and why it is so much better than Stata. as how Stata users can adapt utilize some features which are better in R

I notice this trend through all the intro slides. Don't think we mean to start a war between R and Stata (there's enough of that already!). If that was the plan all along, it's fine to leave those comments in but I think it might be a better approach to just point out how some of R's functions are better than R and let people decide which they prefer to use. Same for the wording of R vs Python

  • Introduction - move part II within brackets

  • Introduction - Certain common tasks are simpler in Stata. Mention a couple of examples.

  • Getting started - Ask participants to clone repository before pointing to file locations

  • Explain the interface before importing dataset and then go back to interface to explain where the data framex` shows

  • head(whr2015) and head(whr) use the exact same output image. Something is wrong there. Also, might be good to show both the outputs in the same slide

  • Data in R - Two important concepts to take note has 3 points

Thanks, Roshni! this is very useful 🥇