
Feedback for session of 23 Nov 2020

luisesanmartin opened this issue · 6 comments

Sessions: Intro I and Intro II

Slide 8 - I might have missed it, but I think you jumped into talking as if we assume they know Stata, but I did not hear us explaining that we are assuming that they know Stata. I could have missed it, but this I think make sense to stress as that is what makes this training unique

Compilign all comments:

  • For the examples using the print() function, maybe we should mention by we are using quotation marks "" and differences between single or double quotations marks.
  • remove file paths to github repo when loading whr_panel
  • For the examples using the print() function, maybe we should mention by we are using quotation marks "" and differences between single or double quotations marks.
  • Change all fonts so we don't use fira code. it's pretty, but it makes it harder to read some characters.
  • on slide 37, stress that this is important as you may loose data by replacing it
  • explain that function arguments need to be enclosed by parenthesis, and the RStudio will help you do that
  • Stress that View() must be capitalized
  • fix types of characters on slide 58 to turn (version change)
  • Exercise 7 is a bit confusing. maybe drop it?
  • exercise 1 in session II adds too many complications at this point. let's remove this and add a slide explaining why we don't want previous objects to be loaded when we start a new session, and tell people to just restart R after changing these settings.
  • The start of session II right now makes you think that you want to do the opposite of what we recommend. we recommend NOT loading the previous session when open RStudio.
  • replace all T with TRUE, following tidyverse style guide
  • Luis E's example of raising hands is great! We should ad that to the slides
  • Remind people to save the master script with their edits
  • slide 45 of session 2: change package from stagazer to tidyverse, and spell out TRUE
  • exercise 4 in session II: ask why it is preferable to load data using code and not point-and-clicking
  • Since we are mentioning pipes, we need to include the tidyverse before.

We should also mention that we are executing the command using the console instead of the Rscript. And the pro and cons of it.

Luiz just mentioned this. So, we can ignore it.

On subset:

  1. Tell people to do Ex 2 (subset data)
  2. Ask someone what they see (the full data)
  3. Ask someone else to explain what that's happening (not assigned to an object)
  4. Ask someone else how this can be fixed (using the assignment operator)
  • Since we are mentioning pipes, we need to include the tidyverse before.

Most comments solved in 72a036b. The ones that required more work were included in #58 , which will be solved in the next training