
Intro to R - Feedback April 05 2021

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Intro to R - Feedback April 05 2021


  • Add explanation of vectors, lists, etc.
  • Maybe (?) subsetting operators.

The content is still a bit long. Consider deleting a couple of slides on the introduction (exm: R vs Stata)

Include in this session an explanation of libraries, file paths, and R projects

Cut content on introduction and give a bit more time to solve exercises

  • Move installation to annex
  • Move R vs Stata to annex
  • Add explanation of vectors, lists, and other types in the slides


* Add explanation of vectors, lists, etc.

* Maybe (?) subsetting operators.

Include in this session an explanation of libraries, file paths, and R projects

these will be covered in the "introduction to R programming" session now, which is fine because that is now session 2 and will be delivered the day after this one