
`ieboilstart, adopath()` - list commands availible in the project-ado folder

kbjarkefur opened this issue · 3 comments

Multi-staged feature request:

  1. List all commands in the project ado-folder
  2. List all commands in used in project code
  3. List commands in project-ado folder not used in code

For 1., this should be possible but it might be tricky to distinguish an ado-file with command that should be listed and an ado-file with a utility command only intended to be used by another command. It might be confusing to show the utility command as well

For 2., requires developing a parser to find what codes are used in the code. That is hard. And it must be able to tell a valid command apart from a syntax error or a typo.

It wont be able to do this by running the code as the command cannot assume to have access to the data the code needs.

For 3, if 1 and 2 are solved this is easy. But solving 1 in a way where utility commands are identified is important, as that utility command is not used in the project code, but is needed to be in the project-ado folder in order for the commands that are used in the project code to run properly.