
guardiand.bash not matching guardiand:dev.v2 image interface

maxholloway opened this issue · 2 comments

In the wormhole-local-validator/ package, I unsuccessfully ran npm run evm, and bash run wormhole.bash was the culprit. I then ran bash guardiand.bash as a one-off, and I saw the following.

macbookpro:wormhole-local-validator max$ bash guardiand.bash

        |                                                 |
        |      Do not use --unsafeDevMode in prod.        |

2022-09-01T14:15:11.809Z        INFO    guardian-0      status server listening on [::]:6060
2022-09-01T14:15:11.829Z        FATAL   guardian-0      invalid PythNet contract address        {"error": "decode: zero length string"}

Checking the guadiand.bash file, we see that there's no mention of pythnet, which is problematic, since that arg is required to run a guardiand node (ref).

My guess is that there was an CLI interface breaking change on the image ghcr.io/wormhole-foundation/guardiand:dev.v2 between the time when this guide was written and now. In that case, could you update this line to refer to a specific guardiand docker image hash where the command worked, OR update the guardiand.bash file to stay up to date with wormhole v2 dev?

This modification to guardiand.bash passes the build step.

docker run --rm --name guardiand $DOCKER_FLAGS --hostname guardian-0 --cap-add=IPC_LOCK "$DOCKER_IMAGE" node \
    --unsafeDevMode --guardianKey /bridge.key --publicRPC "[::]:7070" --publicWeb "[::]:7071" --adminSocket /admin.sock --dataDir /data \
    --ethRPC ws://$HOST:8545 \
    --ethContract "0xC89Ce4735882C9F0f0FE26686c53074E09B0D550" \
    --bscRPC ws://$HOST:8546 \
    --bscContract "0xC89Ce4735882C9F0f0FE26686c53074E09B0D550" \
    --polygonRPC ws://$HOST:8545 \
    --avalancheRPC ws://$HOST:8545 \
    --auroraRPC ws://$HOST:8545 \
    --fantomRPC ws://$HOST:8545 \
    --oasisRPC ws://$HOST:8545 \
    --karuraRPC ws://$HOST:8545 \
    --acalaRPC ws://$HOST:8545 \
    --klaytnRPC ws://$HOST:8545 \
    --celoRPC ws://$HOST:8545 \
    --moonbeamRPC ws://$HOST:8545 \
    --neonRPC ws://$HOST:8545 \
    --terraWS ws://$HOST:8545 \
    --terra2WS ws://$HOST:8545 \
    --terraLCD https://$TERRAD_HOST:1317 \
    --terra2LCD http://$HOST:1317  \
    --terraContract terra18vd8fpwxzck93qlwghaj6arh4p7c5n896xzem5 \
    --terra2Contract terra18vd8fpwxzck93qlwghaj6arh4p7c5n896xzem5 \
    --solanaContract Bridge1p5gheXUvJ6jGWGeCsgPKgnE3YgdGKRVCMY9o \
    --solanaWS ws://$HOST:8900 \
    --solanaRPC http://$HOST:8899 \
    --algorandIndexerRPC ws://$HOST:8545 \
    --algorandIndexerToken "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" \
    --algorandAlgodToken "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" \
    --algorandAlgodRPC https://$HOST:4001 \
    --algorandAppID "4" \
    --pythnetContract Bridge1p5gheXUvJ6jGWGeCsgPKgnE3YgdGKRVCMY9o \
    --pythnetWS ws://$HOST:8901 \
    --pythnetRPC http://$HOST:8902

updated in the most recent push