
Quick feedback: limitations and formating issues

arthurjosse opened this issue · 2 comments

I have tried evernote2md (v0.9.0) for the first time – and probably the last since all my Evernote notes are now converted to Markdown. Here's how it went down:

  • first attempts to convert a single enex file containing all my notes failed (executing evernote2md on that file simply did nothing, shell window closing after a few seconds without any error);
  • then it worked with an enex file containing only half of my notes, but a couple of notes were missing;
  • the missing notes had either their bodies (and/or titles, I don't remember) starting with an *, an highlight or a checkbox, or had the same title but different case (e.g. one was named "untitled", the other "Untitled" → in that case only one of the two notes was converted);
  • after editing these notes so they don't start with any of those elements or don't have the same title, I have successfully convert all my notes from a single enex file.

The newly converted notes, now in plain markdown, have a few formating issues:

  • Evernote highlights aren't converted in a Markdown equivalent (like mentionned in #6)
  • A line break have been inserted between each item of bulleted and numbered lists (there shouldn't be any line break)
  • Evernote tables are converted to illegible mixes of line breaks and pipes ( | )

Appart from all that, it works 👌

Hello @arthurjosse ! Thanks a lot for comprehensive feedback!

The problem with lists and tables is something I will try to look into soon. Not sure if tables is an easy thing to do in markdown, but worth a shot.

I'm also curious why it failed to process a single enex file. What was the size/number of notes in the export?

Regarding highlights, there is no equivalent in markdown to convert text highlighted in Evernote, unfortunately. The closest one I see is italic, which is semantically incorrect to use since Evernote also allows to format text as italic. If you have any suggestions on how highlighted text should look in markdown - I'd be happy to discuss.

Thanks again!

Hey @arthurjosse.

I'm happy to let you know that the latest version v0.10.0 fixes all three issues that you mentioned. 🎉

If you have a moment, please check it out and post here if the result was better this time.