
[Bug] default_pagination_type is an unknown option in derived schemas

m1dnight opened this issue · 5 comments



I'm using Flop to have cursor-based navigation on some webpages. When I want to force the navigation method to be cursor based by setting the option default_pagination_type it works as expected:

|> Flop.validate_and_run(params,
  for: Client,
  default_pagination_type: :first,
  pagination_types: [:first, :last]

Since I'm using this type of pagination in multiple places, I tried setting that option in the derived schema:

  @derive {
    filterable: [:searchable],
    sortable: [:id, :is_active],
    default_order: %{
      order_by: [:is_active, :id],
      order_directions: [:desc, :asc]
    pagination_types: [:first, :last],
    default_pagination_type: :first,
    join_fields: [
      user_firstname: [binding: :users, field: :firstname],
      user_lastname: [binding: :users, field: :lastname],
      client_group_name: [binding: :client_group, field: :name],
      user_full_name: [
        binding: :computed,
        field: :full_name
      user_name_full: [
        binding: :computed,
        field: :name_full
    compound_fields: [
      searchable: [

The option default_pagination_type: :first, in the derived schema throws the following error:

== Compilation error in file lib/snipped/clients/repos/client.ex ==
** (ArgumentError) unknown option(s): [:default_pagination_type]
    (flop 0.20.0) lib/flop/schema.ex:787: Flop.Schema.Any.validate_no_unknown_options!/1
    (flop 0.20.0) lib/flop/schema.ex:702: Flop.Schema.Any.validate_options!/2
    (flop 0.20.0) expanding macro: Flop.Schema.Any.__deriving__/3
    lib/snipped/clients/repos/client.ex:146: Snipped.Client (module)

Steps to reproduce

I have built a minimal working example using the Pet example in the docs that shows the error.

The repo can be found here: https://github.com/m1dnight/flop_bug

Expected behaviour

The default pagination method should be cursor-based, and be chosen without passing the options in each validate_and_run call.

So instead of

|> Flop.validate_and_run(params,
  for: Client,
  default_pagination_type: :first,
  pagination_types: [:first, :last]

i want to be able to do

|> Flop.validate_and_run(params, for: Client )

Actual behaviour

An error is thrown.

Elixir/Erlang version

IEx 1.14.4 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 25)

Flop and Ecto versions

  • ecto 3.10.1 (Hex package) (mix)
  • ecto_sql 3.10.1 (Hex package) (mix)
    locked at 3.10.1 (ecto_sql) f6a25bdb
  • flop 0.20.0 (Hex package) (mix)
    locked at 0.20.0 (flop) 666696c9

Additional context

Thanks for a great lib <3

I'm happy to help where I can (if it's a bug?), but I'm unsure where to get started.

woylie commented

I think it was intentionally implemented this way, but we can change it. PR welcome, if you want to take a stab.

Ah, but the docs mentioned it in an example here: https://hexdocs.pm/flop/schema.html#basics so that threw me off.

I'm pressed for time right now, but I'll give it a shot later today!

woylie commented

Looks like there was too much time between implementation and writing the cheat sheet 😅

Hi, sorry to only get back to this at this time. Just wanted to let you know I really appreciate you taking the time to fix this. Thanks!