
issue with the API?

matgargano opened this issue · 3 comments

i appreciate the effort with https://github.com/wp-api-libraries

I'm trying to use https://github.com/wp-api-libraries/wp-idxbroker-api and I've noticed that your GET API example is:

$idx_api = new IdxBrokerAPI( 'example_api_key');
$results = $idx_api->build_request( 'properties/featured' )->request();

I tried this using my API key and it returns false.

Digging deeper it appears that API request translates to...

a request to ‌

with headers:
Content-Type => application/x-www-form-urlencoded,
accesskey => my key,
ancillarykey => null,
outputtype => json,
apiversion => 1.4.0

a method of GET and a body of ""

According to the IDX API https://middleware.idxbroker.com/docs/api/overview.php the URL structure is:

https://api.idxbroker.com/{component}/{method}/{primary request ID}/{secondary request ID}?{query string}

however also according to that link the Current components include: partners, clients, mls, and leads -- properties isn't there.

am I doing something wrong?


"properties" is not a component of the IDX Broker API. I think this should be clients/featured This should have returned a 404. Maybe instead of returning false return a descriptive error?

this has been fixed by ways of the updated README.md