
Make searches case-sensitive?

Opened this issue · 7 comments

I'm a new user and I can't see how to make the searches case-sensitive. Have I missed something?

bvdv commented

Hi @paynterf it is case-sensitive by default. For example, try to search for wordpress and WordPress. Have you got some wrong result?

bvdv commented

I tried search for A_circ and replace it with word A_replace. What I got:

Row Column Old value New value
1 post_content ...

A_circ a_circ Welcome to WordPress. This is your first p...


A_replace a_circ Welcome to WordPress. This is your first p...

I will take a look how it works in such case at code level.

Hi @paynterf
Have you checked the database entry, is this item, the string in this syntax inside the database? Maybe it is conversion issue, unicode topic?

Please try only a search via plugin. If you find entries with this syntax please use the preview to see this syntax inside a raw of a table. Maybe you can copy/paste it here to validate this part.