Facing issue on wordpress 5.4.2 & PHP 7.4
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Hi sir , I am facing an issue with 'Better Search Replace' plugin. I have tried many times but its not doing its job. Getting error message to reduce max page size. I have tried every single setting, tested even at 1000 no but didn't work. after the process is completed, I get error message on each page -- sorry you can not access this page.
I have even explored PHP my admin to see if any changes took place, but on checking I didn't see any changes not a single table was changed.
Its not just happening with your plugin only, but I have tried 'Search & Replace' (200,000 active installation) plugin also but results were the same every-time.
Before trying for one more time I had a fresh WordPress installation, since my site is new and even then the result were the same.
I am using WordPress 5.4.2 version and PHP 7.4
Please help